On May 30, 2022, CV Information released a list of China's venture capital institutions and private equity investments in 2021. Sinovation Ventures was the Top 1 in China'sBest Early Stage Venture Capital Institutions, a Top10 in China's Best Return Early Stage Venture Capital Institutions, and a Top 20 in China's Best Investment Institutions in AI and Big Data Industry, and Internet Industry in 2021.

This is the 16th consecutive year that CV Information publishes the list as an independent third-party organization. Supported by data from CV Sourse and extensive research which covers more than a thousand active investment institutions in the venture andprivate equity field,field,sthe list ranks according to a strict standard and is known for its professionalism, authority, and rigor. Therefore, it is also considered the bellwether of the domestic equity investment industry.
The list takes in data of fundraising, investment, withdrawal, and in-management projects from January 1, 2021, to December 31, 2021, have them standardized and comprehensively scored in CV Research Institute, and eventually made a selection.

Apart from institutionalawards, the list also has selected the best investment cases of 2021 in various
industries, and several enterprises invested by Sinovation Venture are onthe list: MegaRobo was awarded the "Top10 Best Investment Cases in China’s Advanced Manufacturing and High-tech Industry", RiVAI was awarded the "Top10 Best InvestmentCases in China’s Semiconductor and Integrated Circuit Industry", and XYLink was awarded the"Top 10 Best Investment Cases in China’s Service Industry ", Insilico Medicine wasawarded the "Top10 Best Investment Cases in China's Medical and Health Service Industry", and MeditrustHealth was awarded the "Top10 Best Investment Cases in China's Medicaland Health Service Industry".

Sinovation Ventures is optimistic about China's technological innovation.Since its establishment 13 years ago, it has positioned itself as "DEEP TECH VC",aiming to help young Chinese entrepreneurs build world-class enterprises with a full range of entrepreneurial services.
As the top international service-oriented venture capital institution, Sinovation Venturesmainly focuses on artificial intelligence and core technology, robotics and automation, chip/semiconductor, enterprise service software, healthcare tech, sustainability tech, and other fields, and on investing in early and middle-term high-growth stagehigh-tech technology enterprises. So far, about400 firms have been invested, among which more than 20 unicorn companies have been bred.
Realizing the tide of coretechnology innovation has come, Sinovation ventures began to invest in artificial intelligence and core technology as early as 2012. In 2016, the Sinovation AI Institute was founded with an internal expert team. It also led to aunique mode of "VC + AI", which focused on the deepincubation and comprehensive empowerment of core technology.
Sinovation believes that newtechnologies need time and resources at all stages, from exploration to
implementation to commercialization. We predict that in the next 20 years, the five tides of technological innovation -- artificial intelligence, automation, new energy, life sciences, and advanced computing -- will intersect and empower each other, bringing great opportunities for Chinese core technology entrepreneurs and helping China become a global technology power.
Standing at a crucialturning point of AI, Sinovation has already stepped in to improve efficiency
with technology, focus on innovative enterprises in the field of core technology, and explore the next golden twenty years of the neweconomy enabled by AI and other core technologiesy.